Business data for the whole team

Share queries and insights on your PostgreSQL and MySQL databases without having to build custom application modules.

Get Started

Access for all

Let your team access complex data for internal documents, reports, and presentations.

Google Sheets

Import your queries directly to Google Sheets. Your data will even automatically update!

Download data

Download your queries in CSV or JSON format for use in desktop applications like Microsoft Excel.


DbSitter can only read from your database. Your DB credentials are encrypted and always sent over SSL.

Client Reports

Create special reports that may be missing from your app's dashboard. Clients can view them through a secure URL.

In Sync

Data results will be refreshed automatically and often. Anyone looking at a Query will always be seeing the latest results without having to refresh.

Looking for a Heroku Dataclips replacement?

Look no further. Just copy and paste your queries and update your links!

Ready to query? Start your free trial today.

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